
Poetry ​​​​​​​ARTIST STATEMENT [$WANK]It’s more than a lucid thought, or a divine concept, its more than having the title of being an “Artist”, this is my natural state. This is what my mind resorts to under pressure. This is my safe house, my peace of mind, my gateway to heaven. Whether its me pouring my heart and soul into words of poetry, or it’s a gorgeous portrait of the women of our world. Art, those three letters mean the world to me. If I cannot create I have little purpose on this Earth. In a world of many “boxed in” minds, greed, and pursuit of power, I want to give people something beautiful to look at. I am a streak of watercolor in a grayscale world. Clothes, Fine art, poetry… whatever it might be. Something that brings the most hateful and bitter at ease. My art is the balance & beauty of Purgatory & Euphoria, Lust & Love, Illusion & Influence. Art is a slow dance in the moshpit, a reason to feel and be vulnerable. It is love, it’s passion. Everything that makes worth living. I am an abstract kid with a fly feel. A new vibe, refreshing to the world of art. The greatest oxymoron you’ll ever meet.